Abdominal Training Exercise Ball Ab Workouts

Exercise ball ab workouts

The abdominal exercise ball is great means of building the ab muscles while also strengthening the core section. What’s more is that these easy ab exercises can be done almost anywhere with a bit of space and your ab exercise ball.

Exercise ball ab workouts

The exercise ball may seem like a new piece of technology but it was invented back in the early 1960’s by  Aquilino Cosani he was an Italian plastics manufacture with no connection to fitness equipment in fact he was quite a heavy set gentleman.

The original exercise ball was designed simply to be puncture free with the ability to be used in factory’s saving time and money replacing air filled work balls, the balls where noticed by a British physiotherapist Mary Quinton she wanted to use the balls as therapy treatment for infants and newborn children.

In the 1980’s the balls where introduced into the fitness market and are still used to this day hence this article with suggested workout routines using the exercise ball.

Over the past month we have been having fun with the exercise ball and tested a range of exercises that can be used with the ball, we have now been able to complete the exercise ball ab workouts plan to give you an enjoyable exercise training routine that is effective and fun!

Stomach Crunches 

  • Lie with your body horizontal and with your lower back on a medium size exercise ball (in between your hip and knee in height).
    Place your feet firmly on the ground with your thighs perpendicular to your lower legs.
  • Undertake pilates principles (Pelvic floor engaged, Belly-button to spine, Level Back and Shoulders back & down.)
  • Tilt your torso slightly back (approx. 10 degrees) and then crunch your torso upwards by approximately 45 degrees. Feel the burn in your Abs!
  • Repeat this process for 3 sets and as many reps as your find capable.

Ball Cobras

  • Lie face down on a medium size exercise ball (in between your hip and knee in height) that is pressing into you just below your belly-button region. Hold your legs and body still by having your feet against a wall or secure in place by a training partner.
  • Undertake Pilates Principles (Pelvic floor engaged, Belly-button to spine, Level Back and Shoulders back & down.)
  • Hold two 2kg dumbbells together in each hand in this position lying forward on the exercise ball.
  • Now raise your rigid torso up while simultaneously bringing the dumbbells from in front to the hips in a circular motion. Hold this position at the top for 2 seconds. Feel a Burn in the lower back!
  • Reverse this motion by lowering your rigid torso down while simultaneously bringing the dumbbells out in front again in a circular motion like before. [Note: Do not let the dumbbells touch the ground!]

Side Twists

  • Lie with your body horizontal and with your lower back on a medium size exercise ball (in between your hip and knee in height). Place your feet firmly on the ground with your thighs perpendicular to your lower legs.
  • Undertake Pilates Principles (Pelvic floor engaged, Belly-button to spine, Level Back and Shoulders back & down.)
  • Tilt your torso slightly back (approx. 10 degrees) and then crunch your torso upwards by approximately 45 degrees. Now, at the top twist rapidly left and right! Feel the burn in your Abs!
  • Repeat this process for 3 sets and in the 10-20 rep range.

Leg Clamp Crunch

  • Lie flat on your back with your legs clamping the middle of an exercise ball.
  • Undertake Pilates Principles (Pelvic floor engaged, Belly-button to spine, Level Back and Shoulders back & down.)
  • Raise the ball 6 inches off the ground, but your arms together in front of you pointing towards the exercise ball.
  • Now slightly lift your upper body off the ground and crunch toward the exercise ball.

Oblique Crunches

  • Lie sideways on a medium size exercise ball (in between your hip and knee in height) with your feet together against a wall to hold your body in place.
  • Undertake Pilates Principles (Pelvic floor engaged, Belly-button to spine, Level Back and Shoulders back & down.)
  • Using your arms to balance,  Tilt your torso horizontally and then raise it back up while simultaneously squeezing the side abs (the oblique’s).
  • Repeat this process for 3 sets and in the 10-20 rep range.

ISO-ABS (Advanced)

  • Place your feet on a bench and your elbows on a exercise ball.
  • Undertake Pilates Principles (Pelvic floor engaged, Belly-button to spine, Level Back and Shoulders back & down.)
  • Push the ball forward and back 6 inches for a minute.

Exercise Ball Fails (Comedy Video)

What Is Your Opinion?

Your thoughts and opinions are very important to us, are you currently using a exercise ball for your workouts? if so let us know some of your techniques or how you are progressing now that you have incorporated an exercise ball.

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